Command Sergeant Major (Retired) Charles E. Guyette
Chief of Staff of U.S. Army Sergeants Major Academy
1975 – 2019
Mr. Charles E. Guyette served on Active Duty Army from 1975-2005 and retired as Brigade CSM after 30 Years.
After retirement, Mr. Guyette served in federal service from Jul 2005 - Dec 2019 and served in positions of great responsibility to include, G3 Officer, Chief of Staff, and culminating as the Assistant Dean of Academics.
Mr. Guyette led innovative and revolutionary change to the entire US Army NCO Professional Development System (NCOPDS) throughout his tenure. He authored the revision to the US Army NCO Guide and US Army Soldier Guide, incorporating enhancements and positive changes not seen in nearly 30 years. He oversaw all critical literature review of the emerging changes to Army publications transformed under Doctrine 2020, while spearheading the implementation of the learning imperatives contained in Army Learning Concept 2015, where he generated change that incorporated all elements of the experiential learning model and infused the tools that enhance learner centric learning. Mr. Guyette was the leading catalyst in implementing 27 imperatives throughout NCOPDS outlined in the NCO 2020, all of which significantly improved upon the learning outcomes for each level of enlisted professional development. Mr. Guyette synchronized efforts to establish the first ever NCO fellowship program with Penn State University, which was later expanded to add Syracuse University.
Mr. Guyette was integral to the development of the Army Learning Areas and General Learning Outcomes infusing them throughout all NCOLCoE and USASMA course curricula and aligned to all cohort leader development across all four leader cohorts: Officers, Warrant Officers, NCOs and Civilians. His efforts in participating in the Training Coordination Council Workgroup, the CAC Policy and Governance Oversight Committee, the Army Professional Leadership Development Form, and the Commandant’s Directors of Training conferences all contributed to the advancement of NCO Leader Development, advancing innovative change that has revolutionized NCO PME not seen in nearly 47 years.
Mr. Guyette led the Army’s change from ALC-CC to SSD 2, moving from Interactive Multimedia Instruction (IMI) Level I to IMI Level III for all five levels of SSD. Mr. Guyette led the design and development of the new Master Leader Course that filled the gap of learning between SLC and the SMC. He further advanced his influence of NCO professional development in managing the Academy’s Defense Education Enterprise Program (DEEP), and the African Military Education Program (AMEP) managing the scoping and findings of NCO Corps development in former Soviet Union and sub-Sahara African countries, seeking US expertise in NCO PME, instructor development, and creation of NCO professional management systems for the countries of Afghanistan, Azerbaijan, Bosnia, Herzegovina, Iraq, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Mauritania, the Republic of Moldova, Mongolia, North Macedonia, Tunisia, Serbia, Ukraine, Georgia, Armenia, Serra Leone, Burkina Faso, Nigeria, Chad, Uganda, Senegal, and Rwanda.
Mr. Guyette’s most significant achievement, which will be Army-wide impacting for many years to come, was leading the institution’s effort to seek and achieve Higher Learning Commission (HLC) accreditation of the Sergeants Major Academy to grant a Bachelor of Arts in Leadership and Workforce Development. His leadership and guidance resulted in the production of nearly 700 pages of evidence in submitting a Change of Control application and a 120-page Substantial Change Application that included the production of a course catalog, bulletins, assessment plans, assessment reports, executing the Accountable Instructional System (AIS) that included Post Instructional Conferences, Course Design Reviews, instructor credentialing and Key Performance Indicators while working in close concert with CGSC Accreditation Coordination Council.
Mr. Guyette demonstrated the highest degree of commitment and dedication in supporting NCO professional education while the Army engaged in continuous combat operations in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom and Operation Enduring Freedom in Iraq and Afghanistan. Mr. Guyette was responsible for the overall organizational validation and implementation of new NCO PME, efficiency, and effectiveness of major functions of multiple directorates and departments that evaluated the Academy mission scopes to be reorganized and designated as the Noncommissioned Officer Leadership Center of Excellence and the United States Army Sergeants Major Academy.