Faculty and Staff Development Office



Provide for the administration of training and development programs for all NCOLCoE and SGM-A personnel. The NCOLCoE is committed to providing training, education, and professional development of NCOLCoE and SGM-A’s staff and faculty and supports improving the skills and abilities of all NCOLCoE and SGM-A personnel to better perform their current and future duties.


Conducts competency, sustainment and enhancement training, education, and professional development programs that give NCOLCoE and SGM-A staff and faculty the ability to provide students with the necessary knowledge and skills to lead in Joint, Interagency, Intergovernmental, Multinational, and Unified Land Operations. These functions are immersed in every course that we facilitate. In addition, we coordinate other specialized training workshops as needed and provide oversight of the Instructor Certification Process and Faculty Recognition Program at The NCOLCoE and SGM-A.


This 2 week / 80-hour course prepares instructors to teach, train, and facilitate learning in an adult learning environment. Learners will be introduced to instructor roles and responsibilities, teaching and learning models, professional and ethical requirements, and classroom management techniques.

This 2 week / 80-hour course is designed to provide Army training and curriculum developers with the skills necessary to produce instructional products for institutional and operational training and education settings; it introduces the ADDIE model and the Accountable Instructional System (AIS).

The NCOLCoE Career Long Assessment (formerly Athena) Coaching Workshop is a 12‐hour workshop (delivered virtually over 3 days) that prepares Army Instructors/Facilitators to proctor the Athena assessments and conduct Coaching sessions in support of the Army Career Long Assessment Program. Participants will learn key Coaching principles that empower students to maximize their own potential and to develop a learner‐centered IDP.

TEDMMC is a 5-day / 40-hour course designed for those in mid-level management positions responsible for managing training and education products such as lesson plans, training support packages, courses, blocks of instruction, and training plans.

STEMC provides a practitioner's overview of how HQ TRADOC supports centers and schools in terms of mission and function. The focus is on managing and integrating training development activities with capability, force, and materiel development. Management of integration and standardization systems are studied from the perspective of senior training development managers.

As of 1 September 2024, ArmyU has launched a completely new Distance Learning (DL) Instructor Observation Course (IOC). Course requests are no longer required to be sent to us. If there are any issues with the course or receiving the certificate attendees will have to email the course instructors at: usarmy.leavenworth.tradoc.mbx.armyudistance-learning-branch@army.mil

DL IOC Enrollment

This 3-day course ensures that participants can successfully revise a lesson plan. IWC was developed to provide an alternative to the Common Faculty Development Course and the Instructional Design Basic Course which are required for the Senior Army Instructor Badge.

The Spouse Leadership Development Course is a 40-hour resident Army Training Requirements Resources System leadership support course designated for senior enlisted spouses from the U.S. Army, sister services, and allied militaries. It prepares them for leadership support positions in the military community. Major subject areas include programs in human psychology, human relations training, and leadership development. Spouses also learn healthy conflict management resolution techniques, protocol, public speaking and communication, effective listening, and team building skills. Soldiers & Family readiness group training is also part of the curriculum, and spouses also receive in-depth information about benefits and entitlements. The Spouse Leadership Development Course applies a combination of lecture, discussion, and small group experiential learning methodologies. Open to spouses of MSG’s and above.

DCD Seal


SGM Jeffery DeLay
O: 915-744-0931

Deputy Chief
SFC Melissa Brandt
O: 915-744-8431

O: 915-744-8431

SSG Datrell Tinson
O: 915-744-8535

SSG Michael Roman
O: 915-744-9647

Ms. Michelle Mebane
O: 915-744-1201

Ms. Stephenie Imler
O: 915-744-2936

Mr. Adam Tingler
O: 915-744-2986