The Commandant's Initiative Group



The mission of the Commandant’s Initiatives Group (CIG) is to provide assistance in analysis, planning, design, development, and evaluation for the NCOLCoE Commandant, The TRADOC Command Sergeant Major (CSM), and the Sergeant Major of the Army (SMA) for all initiatives that affect the present and future NCO Cohort. The vision of the CIG is to conduct analysis and solution development to support the Institution and NCO cohort to improve the performance (cognition - knowledge, skills, and attitudes) of all NCOs through Professional Military Education (PME) in the Noncommissioned Officers Professional Development System (NCOPDS).


  1. Provides futures and initiative(s) analysis, solution development, and framework for the NCOLCoE Commandant for all matters concerning the NCOPDS enterprise.
  2.  Provides direct support to the TRADOC Enlisted Initiatives Group (EIG) for all initiatives that affect the enlisted and NCO cohort.
  3. Provides support when required to the SMA’s Task Force Teams for all initiatives assigned by the SMA that enhances the enlisted cohorts’ ability to improve in all areas. 
  4. Provides strategic messaging at echelon that positively represents the NCO, enlisted cohort, and NCOLCoE across the force the ensuring communication is fully disseminated and well known throughout the force.
  5. Assists and provides direct support to Combined Arms Center (CAC), ArmyU, and other TRADOC Centers of Excellence (CoE) for current and future initiatives and programs that enhance the enlisted and NCO cohort.
  6. Provides liaison duties to external organizations and agencies with matters concerning approved Army research and analysis in NCO PME and throughout the NCOPDS.
  7. Provides analysis and solution development to meet the intent of the NCO Strategy, Army’s Leader Development Strategy, and Army Learning Strategy.
  8. Conducts internal organizational analysis with all assigned NCOLCoE directorates to ensure training and education is progressive, sequential, and comprehensive to meet the needs of the current and future NCO Corps. 
  9. Serves as a supporting element for all NCOLCoE Commandant directed NCO leader development requirements from higher headquarters.
  10. Reviews, analyzes, and recommends revisions and updates to all related NCO development changes/updates within Army publications, doctrine, and policy.

Top 5 Priorities

  1. ArmyIgnitED System Analysis and Product Development (SMA Initiative)
  2. Sergeant Major Assessment Program (SMAP) in Sergeant Major Academy (SGM-A) (SMA Initiative)
  3. NCOLCoE “How to Develop Leaders” Program (NCOLCoE Commandant Initiative)
  4. Project Athena in NCOPDS (TRADOC CSM Initiative)
  5. NCOLCoE Instructor Resiliency Course (NCOLCoE Commandant Initiative)
CIG Seal