Military Equal Opportunity (MEO) Program



The Military Equal Opportunity Program ensures equal opportunity and fair treatment for military personnel and family members without regard to race, color, gender, religion, sexual preference, or national origin. It seeks to provide an environment free of unlawful and offensive behavior. The Equal Opportunity Advisor serves as a liaison between the community and the Organization on equal opportunity issues and concerns.


This page provides information about the U.S. Army Military Equal Opportunity Policy and Complaint Process IAW AR 600-20, Chapter 4 and Chapter 6, within the U.S. Army. It is our duty to provide equal opportunity and fair treatment to Service Members and dependents without regard to race, color, sex (including gender identity), religion, sexual orientation, or national origin, as well as an environment free of unlawful discrimination and harassment. Individuals are encouraged to resolve issues at the lowest level or use the chain of command to redress Military Equal Opportunity (MEO) complaints. The chain of command, whether military or civilian, has the primary responsibility for developing and sustaining a healthy command or unit climate. This responsibility entails, but is not limited to, promoting positive programs that enhance unit cohesion, esprit, and moral; communicating matters with MEO significance to unit personnel and higher headquarters; correcting discriminatory practices by conducting rapid, objective, and impartial inquiries to resolve complaints of discrimination; encouraging the surfacing of problems and preventing reprisal for those who file complaints. The command is also responsible for taking appropriate action against those who violate Army policy. Directors will ensure that Service Members are fully aware of the procedures available to obtain redress of complaints to include those against members of the chain of command.


MEO Seal


EOA: SFC Byron A. Stewart
Rm 14 in the LRC (Bldg. 11294)

O: 915-744-1061