To develop new methods to enhance the U.S. Army’s ability to produce new concepts and new training needed within the U.S. Army Training and Doctrine Command (TRADOC). As part of this process, the cell assesses higher level concepts and then studies, plans, writes, staffs, and disseminates proponent doctrine that is synchronized with allied, multinational, joint, and Army doctrines. The cell also supports the development of non-proponent doctrinal products by providing subject matter expertise to review the products and provide comments to the proponents. The Doctrine and Concepts Cell here at the United States Army Sergeants Major Academy (SGM-A) also manages the noncommissioned officer and Soldier doctrine development process within TRADOC.
Orchestrate forward thinking.
- Develop training, leadership, and education concepts.
- Strengthen and develop new capabilities for education.
- Develop and implement new learning models. Guide integration of future training strategies plans.
- Design and develop concepts papers.
- Coordinate the development of the annual and long range doctrine development plan.
- Develop, evaluate, write, and coordinate Army noncommissioned officer and Soldier tactical and technical doctrine.
- Assess, staff, and coordinate the reviews of Multinational, Joint, Multi-Service, and Army Doctrine. Represent and provide the SGM-A’s position for comments and issues as required.
- Provide SGM-A doctrinal input to the Doctrine, Organization, Training, Leadership and Education, Materiel, Personnel, and Facilities (DOTLMPF) requirements determination process as a member of Integrated Product Team (IPT) or Integrated Concept Team (ICT).
- Participate in multinational, joint, multi-service, and Army doctrine working groups to integrate SGM-A doctrine throughout the force.
- Maintain the SGM-A doctrine integrated priority list (IPL).
- Maintain and report the SGM-A Doctrine Literature Master Plan (DLMP) and workload annexes to TRADOC Army Capabilities Integration Center (ARCIC) and Combined Arms Doctrine Development (CADD), a semiannual requirement.
- Serve as the SGM-A proponent for liaison with the Combined Arms Center at Fort Leavenworth, Kansas, and with doctrinal counterparts at all other proponent schoolhouses and centers.
- Coordinate SGM-A interface with the combat training centers for topics relating to doctrinal issues, trends reversal, and focused rotations.
- Coordinate the development of the annual and long-range doctrine development plan. Prepare and submit the annual doctrinal literature programmed work to the Doctrine and Training Analysis Division.
- Serve as primary staff advisor to SGM-A in planning and accomplishing doctrine activities.
- The cell will maintain the status of ongoing doctrine work on doctrine quad charts and update it weekly on Share Point. The doctrine integrated priority list will also be maintained with the quad charts.