The mission of the Reserve Component Advisors Office is to ensure the United States Army Reserve (USAR) and Army National Guard (ARNG) perspectives are fully integrated in the
development of emerging doctrine, leader development, and force structure impacting the Noncommissioned Officer Education System while maintaining primary focus on Reserve
Component (RC) Soldiers at the Sergeants Major Academy. The office provides the Commandant, NCOLCoE, perspectives on personnel, training, and pay issues that pertain to the USAR
and ARNG communities while those Soldiers are in attendance at the resident and nonresident Sergeants Major Course.
The office provides single-source sponsorship to Reserve Component staff and students while maintaining liaison with the Office of the Chief of Army Reserve, National Guard Bureau,
United States Army Reserve Command, Training and Doctrine Command, Forces Command, and Human Resources Command. Additionally, assists Reserve Component Soldiers attending the
Sergeants Major Course with component unique problems and situations that require home station coordination.