Office of Educational Technology

Soldiers attending courses


To develop web and classroom multimedia distributed learning (dL) products that enable, enhance, and reinforce Soldier and NCO education. To explore new educational technologies and practices that ensure the best possible learning outcomes. To provide consultation on dL capabilities and on using technology in the classroom. To furnish dL products to meet Army training and educational objectives.


To bring the Army to the forefront of new educational methods and technology.

To respond to Soldier and Army needs by developing and maintaining highly interactive multimedia products, thereby promoting learning effectiveness.

To produce educational training products that support TRADOC doctrine.

DCD Seal


The Office of Educational Technology (OET) team within the Department of Curriculum Development (DCD) at the NCO Leadership Center of Excellence (NCOLCoE) is a vital asset to the Army education system. Composed of seven professional Training Analysts with diverse expertise, our team creates high-quality distributed Learning (DL) and resident training materials for noncommissioned officers (NCOs) worldwide. This highlights our capabilities, showcases our expertise, and demonstrates our importance to the Army education system through detailed explanations and examples.


Our OET team has extensive experience in developing and managing DL courses on the Army Learning Management System (ALMS) and Blackboard. We recognize the importance of DL in providing training to Soldiers, especially in the face of budget constraints and limited resources.

Expertise and Tools

We utilize Learning Management Systems (LMS) such as Blackboard and the Army Learning Management System (ALMS), SCORM, xAPI, and ADL Testing Suite for distributed learning projects.


Some examples of our distributed learning projects include:

  • Self Development course, including Distributed Leader Course (DLC)
  • Blended learning options such as Master Leader Course (MLC), MLC DL, and ALC/SLC
  • Reviewing and consulting on other DL development programs, such as DNCO C3 courseware for Ft. Lee

Army Doctrine and Training Application

Our distributed learning capabilities directly support the Army's emphasis on DL as a means of providing training to Soldiers. By developing and managing DL courses, we help ensure efficient use of resources while still delivering high-quality training.


Our team excels in web programming, enabling the development of interactive and engaging web-based training courses for NCOs worldwide. In line with the Army Learning Concept 2020-2040, we focus on creating interactive, multimedia-based learning experiences to enhance the effectiveness of training.

Expertise and Tools

We possess skills in various web programming languages and frameworks, including HTML5, CSS, Bootstrap 5, jQuery, Python, Jinja, Node.js, Angular.js, C++, and React.js.


Some examples of our web programming projects include:

  • USASMA Lesson GUI Framework
  • Escape Room Framework
  • WebSlides Lesson Framework and Rapid Development Tool
  • NCOLCoE & NCO Worldwide Websites
  • Prototype for Branching Scenario Assessments
  • Adapt Lesson Framework
  • Reveal.js Framework

Army Doctrine and Training Application

Our web programming capabilities directly support the Army Doctrine and Training's emphasis on the development of interactive, multimedia-based learning experiences. As a result, our team plays a crucial role in advancing the Army's training objectives.


The OET team is proficient in creating visually appealing graphics and illustrations to enhance learning and engagement. Our graphic design capabilities support the Army Doctrine's emphasis on the importance of visual aids in communicating complex concepts.

Expertise and Tools

Our team is skilled in using Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, and Adobe Lightroom for graphic design and illustration projects.


Some examples of our graphic design and illustration projects include:

  • Army Crests
  • Banners
  • Graphic Asset Development
  • Logo Design
  • Photo Editing
  • Concrete Experience Images
  • Course Illustrations
  • Course Catalog Design
  • SEAC Book Cover Design for NCO and Petty Officer
  • Designed Army-wide Instructor Badge
  • Design AUSA marketing materials
  • Contribute to NCOLCoE Brand

Army Doctrine and Training Application

Our graphic design and illustration capabilities directly support the Army Doctrine's emphasis on using visual aids to enhance the communication of complex concepts. This expertise contributes significantly to the effectiveness of Army training programs.


The OET team produces professional-quality audio and video content to enhance learning and engagement. In line with Army Doctrine, we recognize the value of audio and video media in conveying information and improving the learning experience.

Expertise and Tools

Our team is proficient in using Adobe Premiere, Adobe Audition, Adobe After Effects, and Adobe Media Encoder for audio and video production projects.


Some examples of our audio and video production projects include:

  • Conducting video production for programs such as Talk Like a Leader (TLaL Videos) and H2F Introduction Videos
  • Developing marketing videos for AUSA Conference
  • Planning, coordinating, and shooting or sourcing video for various DCD courses, including DLC, BLC, MLC, Battle Staff, and SMC
  • Conducting professional Audio Narration for How-to videos and MLC Courseware
  • Video & Audio Optimization

Army Doctrine and Training Application

Our audio and video production capabilities directly support the Army Doctrine's value of audio and video media in conveying information and enhancing the learning experience. This expertise is essential for creating engaging and effective multimedia training materials.


The OET team includes instructional designers who apply learning theory and design principles to create effective training materials. In accordance with Army Doctrine, we focus on developing well-designed training programs tailored to meet the specific needs of learners.

Expertise and Tools

Our instructional design approach relies on the ADDIE Model and Experiential Learning Model (ELM). We also use for storyboarding.


Some examples of our instructional design projects include:

  • Developing Storyboards for DL development
  • Reviewing DLC Storyline Branching Assessments
  • Reviewing and Editing Lesson Plan Outlines (LPOs)
  • Reviewing and editing Lesson Plans
  • Scenario Development
  • Integrating ELM Format into DL products

Army Doctrine and Training Application

Our instructional design capabilities directly support the Army Doctrine's emphasis on well-designed training programs that cater to the specific needs of the learner. This expertise is essential for creating effective training materials that enhance the overall learning experience.


The OET team incorporates game-like elements into training to enhance engagement and motivation. In line with Army Doctrine, we recognize the potential of gamification to increase motivation and engagement in training.

Expertise and Tools

We use tools such as Unity, Unreal Engine 5, HTML5 Canvas, and WebGL for gamification projects.


Some examples of our gamification projects include:

  • Escape Room
  • DLC Branching Storyline Assessments
  • Development of Mini Games within lesson frameworks
  • Continuation of professional development and training in gamification

Army Doctrine and Training Application

Our gamification capabilities directly support the Army Doctrine's emphasis on increasing motivation and engagement in training. By incorporating game-like elements into training, we create an engaging and motivating learning environment for soldiers.


Our OET team includes contract writers and managers who can support the procurement of training materials and services. We understand the importance of efficient and effective contract management for the procurement of training materials and services within the Army Acquisition processes.

Expertise and Tools

We collaborate with TADLP to plan, nominate, and coordinate AVLE contracting efforts.


Some examples of our contract development and management projects include:

  • Performance Work Statement (PWS) writing for AVLE contracts
  • Project Management of DLC
  • Strategic Planning for DLC 2.0
  • Contract oversight for the Blackboard Admin contractors
  • Serving on various Technical Evaluation Boards (TEBs) for contract bid

Army Doctrine and Training Application

Our contract development and management capabilities ensure efficient procurement of training materials and services, which is crucial for the success of Army training programs.


The OET team conducts research and development to build prototypes and test future technologies that can be adapted to training and development. We actively explore innovative technologies and methods to enhance the Army's education system.

Expertise and Tools

Our research and development efforts focus on cutting-edge technologies, such as Artificial Intelligence (AI), Machine Learning (ML), Adaptive Learning, Augmented Reality (AR), and Learning Language Models (LLMs). We have experience testing AI tools, such as ChatGPT API, to build a virtual tutor.


Some examples of our research and development projects include:

  • Exploring AI, ML, and LLMs for potential applications in Army training
  • Testing the ChatGPT API to build a virtual tutor
  • Investigating AR for immersive and interactive training experiences

Army Doctrine and Training Application

Our research and development capabilities directly support the Army's commitment to staying at the forefront of technological advancements in training and education. By exploring and adopting innovative technologies, we ensure that the Army education system remains effective and up-to-date.

The Office of Educational Technology (OET) team at the NCO Leadership Center of Excellence (NCOLCoE) offers a wide range of expertise and capabilities essential to the Army education system. Our team's diverse talents contribute to the creation of high-quality distributed learning and resident training materials for noncommissioned officers (NCOs) worldwide.

We take pride in our ability to stay current with industry trends and technological advancements, ensuring that our training materials are effective and engaging. By developing innovative training solutions and providing expert support to Course Managers, the OET team plays a vital role in the success of the Army's training and education programs.

Our dedication to excellence, innovation, and collaboration has made us a valuable asset within the Army, frequently sought after for projects and consultations outside of our organization. As one of the few in-house DL development teams in the Army, we stand out as a reliable and expert resource in the realm of training and development.

  • AI: Artificial Intelligence - The development of computer systems that can perform tasks that normally require human intelligence, such as learning, reasoning, and problem-solving.
  • ADDIE Model: Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation - A structured framework for designing and developing instructional materials and training programs.
  • AUSA: Association of the United States Army - A private, non-profit organization that supports the interests of the United States Army and its soldiers.
  • AVLE: Army Virtual Learning Environment - A digital platform that delivers web-based training materials and resources to soldiers.
  • Blackboard: An online learning management system that supports the delivery of digital course materials, assignments, and assessments.
  • Bootstrap: A free and open-source CSS framework directed at responsive, mobile-first front-end web development.
  • C++: A high-level programming language used for software development, including web and mobile applications.
  • CSS: Cascading Style Sheets - A stylesheet language used for describing the look and formatting of a document written in HTML or XML.
  • DCD: Department of Curriculum Development - The department responsible for designing, developing, and delivering training materials and programs for the Army.
  • DL: distributed Learning - A method of delivering education and training materials remotely, often through online platforms.
  • DLC: Distributed Leader Course - A self-paced, distributed learning course designed to provide leadership training to soldiers.
  • DNCO C3: Digital Noncommissioned Officer Course - A distributed learning program that provides training and education for noncommissioned officers in the Army.
  • ELM: Experiential Learning Model - A learning theory that emphasizes the importance of learning through experience and reflection.
  • HTML5: HyperText Markup Language version 5 - The latest version of the standard language used to create and design websites and web applications.
  • Jinja: A modern and designer-friendly templating language for Python, modeled after Django’s templates.
  • jQuery: A fast, small, and feature-rich JavaScript library designed to simplify the client-side scripting of HTML.
  • LMS: Learning Management System - A software application that helps organizations plan, deliver, and manage educational content and resources.
  • ML: Machine Learning - A subset of artificial intelligence that involves the development of algorithms that can learn from and make predictions based on data.
  • MLC: Master Leader Course - A professional development course designed to prepare senior noncommissioned officers for leadership roles in the Army
  • NCOLCoE: NCO Leadership Center of Excellence - An organization that provides training and education for noncommissioned officers in the Army.
  • NCO: Noncommissioned Officer - A military officer who has not received a commission, typically holding a rank between corporal and sergeant major.
  • NIPR: Non-classified Internet Protocol Router Network - A secure network used by the Department of transmitting non-classified information.
  • Node.js: An open-source, cross-platform JavaScript runtime environment that allows developers to build server-side and networking applications.
  • PWS: Performance Work Statement - A document that describes the required outcomes of a contract, including the specific tasks and responsibilities of the contractor.
  • Python: A high-level programming language used for web development, data analysis, artificial intelligence, and more.
  • React.js: A popular JavaScript library for building user interfaces, particularly for single-page applications.
  • Reveal.js: An open source HTML presentation framework.
  • SCORM: Sharable Content Object Reference Model - A set of technical standards for e-learning software products, allowing for interoperability between different learning management systems.
  • SMC: Sergeant Major Course - A course designed to prepare senior noncommissioned officers for the highest levels of leadership in the Army.
  • SME: Subject Matter Expert - An individual with specialized knowledge and expertise in a specific subject area.
  • TADLP: The Army Distributed Learning Program - A program that supports the development and delivery of distributed learning materials and resources for the Army.
  • TEB: Technical Evaluation Board - A group of experts who review and evaluate proposals for government contracts.
  • Unity: A powerful and widely-used game development engine for creating 2D, 3D, VR, and AR games and experiences.
  • Unreal Engine 5: A powerful and widely-used game development engine for creating realistic and immersive 3D games and experiences.
  • WCAG: Web Content Accessibility Guidelines - A set of guidelines for making web content more accessible to people with disabilities.
  • WebGL: A JavaScript API for rendering interactive 2D and 3D graphics within a compatible web browser.
  • XML: Extensible Markup Language - A markup language that defines a set of rules for encoding documents in a format that is both human-readable and machine-readable.
  • xAPI: Experience API - A specification for learning technology that allows for the collection of data about a wide range of learning experiences, both online and offline.