Instructor Certification Program

Soldiers attending courses

The Army School System (TASS)

This program applies to the Active Army (AA), Army National Guard (ARNG), and US Army Reserve (USAR) agencies responsible for institutional training of the Non-Commissioned Officer Professional Development System (NCOPDS).

The Noncommissioned Officer Leadership Center of Excellence (NCOLCoE) is the proponent for the Instructor/Facilitator Certification Program (ICP) for the following NCOPDS courses: Basic Leader Course (BLC), Master Leader Course Resident (MLC) and Distributed Learning (MLC-DL), Sergeants Major Course Resident (SMC-R) and Distributed Learning (SMC-DL), Battle Staff Noncommissioned Officer Course Resident (BSNCOC) and Video-Teleconference (BSNCOC-VTT), and SGM International Military Students Pre-Course (SGM-IMSPC).