The Army School System (TASS)
This program applies to the Active Army (AA), Army National Guard (ARNG), and US Army Reserve (USAR) agencies responsible for institutional training of the Non-Commissioned Officer Professional Development System (NCOPDS).
The Noncommissioned Officer Leadership Center of Excellence (NCOLCoE) is the proponent for the Instructor/Facilitator Certification Program (ICP) for the following NCOPDS courses: Basic Leader Course (BLC), Master Leader Course Resident (MLC) and Distributed Learning (MLC-DL), Sergeants Major Course Resident (SMC-R) and Distributed Learning (SMC-DL), Battle Staff Noncommissioned Officer Course Resident (BSNCOC) and Video-Teleconference (BSNCOC-VTT), and SGM International Military Students Pre-Course (SGM-IMSPC).