Career Development


Development Opportunities

Defense Civilian Emerging Leader Program (DCELP): This DOD program focuses on developing emerging leaders in the acquisition, financial management, and human resources communities. Open to permanent Army Acquisition civilians at GS-7 through GS-12, DCELP consists of residential courses on leadership assessment, team development, effective writing and conflict resolution as well as online courses on the mission and culture of DOD.

Digital Master Gunner: A Mission Command Digital Master Gunner is a subject matter expert that can operate, maintain, integrate, and train others on Mission Command Information Systems (MCIS) to generate a COP for the commander and the battle staff.

EDIS Mentorship Program: The EDIS Mentorship Program was established in 2014 in an effort to close identified professional development gaps across the Civilian workforce. Following several iterations and years of evaluation, this initiative has evolved into a year-long, formal mentorship program designed to promote opportunities for professional success. The program strives to develop a EDIS Civilian workforce that is able to lead and manage change, think critically, and represent EDIS across organizations and commands

Emerging Enterprise Leader (EEL) Program: The EEL initiative is an effort to expand the Army’s enterprise leadership development efforts to emerging leaders at the GS-11/12 levels. The USAASC EEL initiative is a one year developmental program which provides aspiring leaders in the grades GS-11 and GS-12 (or equivalent) within the Program Executive Offices (PEOs) and USAASC Headquarters with specialized junior leader development.

Joint Forces Staff College: JCWS educates national security professionals to plan and execute joint, interagency, intergovernmental, and multinational operations. Graduates are critically-thinking, operationally-minded, skilled joint warfighters who can operationalize national, military, and theater security strategies into design-informed operational plans. Graduates have a primary commitment to joint, interagency, intergovernmental, and multinational teamwork, attitudes, and perspectives.

Leadership for a Democratic Society (LDS): Using the U.S. Constitution as the principal foundation, the LDS program guides executives to understand the diverse goals of the government and the citizens it serves. FEIchallenges executives to excel in a 21st-century world while remaining connected to the Constitutional values forged in the 18th century.

Senior Enterprise Talent Management (SETM) and Enterprise Talent Management (ETM): The Senior Enterprise Talent Management (SETM) and Enterprise Talent Management (ETM) are Army talent management programs created to produce senior civilian leaders with an enterprise perspective who could serve in increasing levels of responsibility. SETM is just one of the many programs developed under the Civilian Workforce Transformation initiative and is administered by the Civilian Senior Leader Management Office (CSLMO), Assistant Secretary of the Army (Manpower and Reserve Affairs).

For a full list of available courses, visit our Faculty and Staff Development Office page.

Online Learning

AFWP Online Learning: Training is a fundamental component of the Army Family Web Portal (AFWP) that allows site users to take full advantage of the applications and tools available to train around the world. With a few exceptions, after course completion all participants receive a certificate, which may be used for promotion points, depending on the course. Internet access is the only requirement for taking the Computer-Based Training.

ATIS: The ATIS is a centralized training system allowing training NCOs, training managers, instructors, unit commanders, and individual users to schedule, register, and deliver standardized Army training to Soldiers and DA Civilians at home and abroad. Users can register for self-paced courses. From the office, home or DTF, Soldiers and Army civilians will be able to meet their distributed learning needs 24/7.

Army Credentialing Opportunities On-Line (COOL): COOL (Credentialing Opportunities On-Line) helps Army Service members find information on certifications and licenses related to their jobs and civilian careers. Use COOL to get background information on credentialing and find detailed information on: Credentials related to an Army Military Occupational Specialty (MOS) Credentials related to DOL Job Families Credential requirements and potential gaps between Army training and civilian credentialing requirements Resources available to fill gaps between military training and civilian credentialing requirements.

Army Family Team Building (AFTB): Army Family Team Building (AFTB) empowers you, through self-development and leadership skills, basic Army knowledge and specialized training, to maximize your personal and professional potential.

Army Ignited: ArmyIgnitED is a tailored, intuitive resource that empowers you to achieve your educational goals. Whether you’re at home or abroad, you’ll have unlimited access to educational opportunities, support, and guidance throughout your desired Education Path, Civilian Path, Credential, or Army ROTC scholarship program.

Defense Acquisition University (DAU): DAU provides a global learning environment to develop qualified acquisition, requirements and contingency professionals who deliver and sustain effective and affordable warfighting capabilities. DAU’s modern learning platform delivers continuous learning and support tailored to the needs of the Defense Acquisition Workforce - including formal courses in-person and online, events and workshops, job support tools, consulting and more.

Graduate School USA: Remain productive with our virtual training options – available wherever you have Internet access. Online courses are available across our 8 topic areas: Analytics, Acquisition & Contracting, Project & Program Management, Leadership & Management, Financial Management, Grants & Assistance, Professional Skills, and Human Capital & Human Resources. More online classes being added weekly.

Joint Knowledge Online: JKO is the Department of Defense (DoD) unique and authoritative source for online joint training. JKO provides continuous, career-long development of joint knowledge and joint readiness for individuals, staffs, Combatant Commands, Combat Support Agencies, and the Services.

LAB OPM: The Lab at OPM’s educational offerings in human-centered design provide individuals, teams, and agencies several options for growth and development. You can typically choose from a range of formats and durations. We can customize offerings to meet the needs of your organization.

LEAD Institute: The Office of Personnel Management’s LEAD Institute, offered by HR Solutions’ Center for Leadership Development, empowers federal leaders to take charge of their professional development by providing a clear path to leadership education and development that’s right for them and their careers. The LEAD Institute offers essential role-based leadership skills that help individuals fulfill their Individual Development Plan (IDP), putting them squarely on the path to career development.

USA Learning: USALearning® provides online training to government employees, contractors and military personnel. With many offerings in Web-based learning and development courses, we strive to be your number one solution for accessing government-wide mandated training.

Enterprise Leader Development Program(Must be accessed from a government network): Enterprise Leader Development Program provides great opportunities for permanent Army Civilians in grades 12 -15 and pay band equivalents. ACCMA Talent Development Application Portal.

Civilian Education Courses (CHRTAS)

The Army Management Staff College educates and develops the Army Civilian Corps for leadership and management responsibilities throughout the Army and serves as Executive Agent for the Army Civilian Education System (CES). Additional program information can be located at: The Civilian Education System (CES) is a progressive and sequential leader development program that provides multiple levels of Civilian development and enhanced educational opportunities for Army Civilians throughout their careers. The method of delivery is distributed learning (DL), resident instruction, or blended learning – a mixture of both DL and resident instruction

Foundation Course (FC): The course provides Army Civilians with an orientation to leader development concepts, to start building their careers as Army Civilian leaders. Eligibility: All grades hired after 30 Sept 2006 / Delivery Method: Distance Learning (DL) only

Basic Course (BC): Designed for the Army Civilian leader who exercisers direct leadership to effectively lead and care for teams. Eligibility: GS 05-09 / Delivery Method: DL –or– 2-week Resident

Intermediate Course (IC): Target audience are those that lead and care for personnel and manage assigned resources. Training and developmental exercises focus on “mission” planning, team building, establishing command climate, and stewardship of resources. Eligibility: GS 10-12 / Delivery Method: Fully DL –or– combination of DL and 3-week Resident

Focus is on Army Civilians skilled in leading a complex organization in support of national security and defense strategies; integrating Army and Joint systems in support of the Advanced Course (AC): Joint Force; inspiring vision and creativity; implementing change; and managing programs. Eligibility: GS 13-15 / Delivery Method: Combination of DL and 4-week Resident

Supervisor Development Course (SDC): This course is a web-based course with lessons that focus on supervising Army Civilian employees and is required for all Army Civilian and military personnel who supervise Army Civilians. (must be taken every 3 years)

Continuing Education for Senior Leaders (CESL): The CESL courses provide the continuing education sustainment program that brings senior level Civilian leaders together to discuss current and relevant issues facing the Army. The program’s intent is for leaders to return to the program continuously to refresh and receive updates on current Army initiatives. Eligibility GS 14-15 / Delivery Method: DL and four and a half days resident training

Action Officer Development Course (AODC): AODC is a distributed learning course designed to help new action officers attain the staffing and communication skills needed at many levels of an organization. The Action Officer Development Course is available as an asynchronous, web-based self-development tool for all Army employees.

Manager Development Course: The Manager Development Course focuses on leading and managing complex adaptive systems and provides advanced management and leadership knowledge across twelve contemporary management topics. The Manager Development Course is available to all Army Civilians as a self-development tool and is recommended for Army Civilians in supervisory and managerial positions.

Organizational Leader Development Course: The Organizational Leader Development Course provides a flexible distributed learning opportunity that enables Army Civilians to become more effective leaders at the organizational level. This course is designed to enhance Army Civilian skills to meet changing workforce leadership requirements.

Army Coaching Program The Army Coaching Program (ACP) is a non-attributional, Soldier-focused, confidential, and career-long program which focuses on a Soldier’s self-development and professional goals as well as his or her performance and potential

Microsoft Certification Earn certifications that show you are keeping pace with today’s technical roles and requirements. Microsoft has certification paths for many technical job roles. Each of these certifications consists of passing a series of exams to earn certification.