As of 1 October 2020, the 32 career programs were organized into 11 career fields. This action realigned career programs with similar functionality together to improve the Army’s ability to manage and develop the talent within broader functional lanes. Ultimately the goal of this realignment is to build multi-functional leaders capable of leading organizations and the enterprise. Career fields will collaborate with each other for shared functional areas that cross career fields, enabling Civilians to plan their careers and receive development opportunities within and across larger career fields. This will allow Civilians to broaden their experiences; seek rewarding opportunities based on their specific knowledge, skills, behaviors, and preferences; and advance to higher positions with the Army. Army Civilian employees are still assigned to one of the 32 career programs based on the position description requirements. The Army Civilian Career Management Activity (ACCMA) serves as an integral component of the Army People Strategy Civilian Implementation Plan. We facilitate the transformation of Army civilian processes and practices to ensure that Army Civilians are the most ready, professional, diverse, and integrated federal workforce.