Assistant Dean of Academics

The SGM-A became CGSC’s fourth school on 21 March 2018 and is recognized as a CGSC branch campus by the Higher Learning Commission. The SGM-A receives staff and logistics support from the Noncommissioned Officer Leadership Center of Excellence (NCOLCoE) on Fort Bliss, TX. The NCOLCoE’s Commandant, Deputy Commandant, and Director of Education serve concurrently as leaders of the SGM-A. The NCOLCoE’s Director of Education is the Assistant Dean of the SGM-A. In addition to delivering the resident and non-resident Sergeants Major Course (SMC), SGM-A provides a twelve-week SMC International Student Pre-Course and eight day Spouse Leader Development Course. The SGM-A also maintains an on-line preparatory course for SMC candidates called Distributed Learning Course V (DLC V).
SGM-A Crest