Defense Civilian Emerging Leader Program (DCELP)
The Defense Civilian Emerging Leader Program (DCELP) is the premier Department of Defense (DoD) leader development program for civilians. The program consists of a series of 4 one-week in-resident sessions, assessment tools, knowledge transfer activities, participant writing and briefing projects, and individual coaching. The program concentrates on the five terminal learning objectives of Know Self, Express Self, Build Teams, Manage Organizations and Understand the DoD.
Leadership for a Democratic Society (LDS) @ FEI
Using the U.S. Constitution as the principal foundation, the LDS program guides executives to understand the diverse goals of the government and the citizens it serves. FEI challenges executives to excel in a 21st-century world while remaining connected to the Constitutional values forged in the 18th century. Through this program of study, government executives find their voices and access wisdom to move their agencies in the strategic directions necessary for it to better achieve its mission. The core curriculum is aligned with OPM’s Executive
Core Qualifications and Leadership Competencies
Each executive completes several introspective assignments, at least one action learning project, and produces plans to transform themselves and their organizations
The SETM and ETM programs are key components of the Army’s Civilian Training, Education, and Leadership, Development Program. SETM/ETM prepares Army Civilians to assume positions of greater responsibility across the Department. The programs provide exceptional training and development opportunities for the next generation of Army Civilian leaders. SETM/ETM program is managed by the Civilian Senior Leader Management Office (CSLMO).
EDIS Mentorship Program
The EDIS Mentorship Program competitively selects upcoming leaders and Army professionals who are committed to building successful mentoring relationships and achieving the following goals by the end of the program: