Sergeant Major Marius G. Stoian
Senior Enlisted Advisor Romanian Land Forces
Sergeant Major Marius G. Stoian is a native of Focsani, Vrancea, Romania and entered the Army on August 23rd 1986. He attended the NCO’s Armored Military School at Pitesti, Romania on August 23rd 1988. During his 26 year career he has served in positions of increased levels of responsibility from Tank Commander, Human Resources NCO, staff sergeant in the C.I.M.I.C Civil-Military Cooperation Battalion, and in a variety of armor and mechanized infantry organizations from squad level through command sergeant major.
Sergeant Major Stoian’s previous assignments include the 3rd Armored Battalion Mihai Bravu, the 28th Armored Regiment Tirogoviste, the 3rd Infantry Battalion Focsani, the 284th Armored Battalion Focsani, the 1st ANA Armored Training Team Afghanistan, the 282nd Mechanized Infantry Brigade Focsani, and the 3rd Styker Brigade (CTFAH) Afghanistan.
Sergeant Major Marius G. Stoian’s military education includes NCO’s Armored Military School, Master Sergeant Course and the Commander Counselor Course.
Sergeant Major Stoian’s awards and decorations include the Army Commendation Medal, the Meritorious Award for 15 years of military service, and the 3rd Meritorious Badge for Peace Service. The first Medal of Military Service, the Meritorious Award for 20 years of Service, The NATO Medal Non-Article 5, and the Combat Action Badge for the 3rd mission in Afghanistan.
Sergeant Major Marius G. Stoian’s civilian education includes a Computer Operators Course, Accountant Course, a baccalaureate degree in juridical sciences and a master’s degree in criminalistics from the University of Law.
Sergeant Major Stoian is a graduate of Class 59 of the United States Army Sergeants Major Course.